The Vumelana Advisory Fund has scooped the highly sought after Mail & Guardian Investing in the Future and Drivers of Change Awards 2017 – Civil Society Award.
The success of South Africa’s constitutional democracy depends on addressing crucial issues, said President Cyril Ramaphosa.
South Africa is not only faced with an urgent and dire need for land justice, particularly after the aftermath of the consequences of the pandemic.
Land reform has been one of the most highly debated issues in the country’s local political landscape in recent years. It’s shaped election campaigns, and the way in which political parties have handled…
The Covid-19 crisis has clearly demonstrated the vulnerability of the livelihoods of many South Africans, and highlighted food insecurity as one key aspect. Some assert that structural reform, tackling these problems at their…
A wholesale raid on private property is intended and that, without secure property rights, the financial system will be at risk and individual liberty may be undermined. Many assume that those who sound…
The seminar’s main objective was to discuss pertinent issues such as the history of land dispossession in South Africa, its contemporary implications, institutional political economy challenges to land reform, and the economic, legal…
Bitter conflict has erupted over the control of a communal property association (CPA) that runs five lucrative farms in Limpopo, with community members complaining that the local tribal authority has hijacked the association…
Poor performances in the land reform process in South Africa are caused primarily by the fluctuating and sometimes conflicting policy messages from government since 1994.
Such conflicts, between traditional authorities and a postapartheid structures legislated to promote democratic rural land ownership, will be brought into sharp focus when the Constitutional Court rules on who owns the rights to…