Our Impact

How do we measure impact?
Understanding how our work has affected the lives of those we support

We measure impact by looking at the number of partnerships that have been facilitated by Vumelana, and the potential of these partnerships to save or create jobs and to ensure that transferred hectares of land remain productive and economically active.

Theory of change
Land reform must change from a process that destroys value to a process that creates value.

If independent, skilled advisors are made available, the risks of partnerships will decline

If risks can be reduced, partnerships will increase

If partnerships increase, productivity will improve

If productivity improves, jobs, income and livelihoods will be enhanced.

Our Impact

Since our inception, we have spent just under R40-million to support 19 land reform beneficiary communities under both the Transaction Advisory and the Communal Property Institution support programmes.

Jobs Created/Saved
Beneficiary Households
Hectares Developed


Investment Mobilised

Our Projects

Transaction Advisory Support Programme

The Transaction Advisory Support Programme is designed to facilitate commercially viable, mutually beneficial partnerships between land reform beneficiary communities and private investors that create jobs, generate income and transfer skills. 

In March 2013, the Moletele Communal Property Association signed a lease agreement with Matuma Farms whereby 150 ha of community’s land will be used to cultivate various fruits.

The Barokologadi-ERP Melorane Madikwe Game Reserve partnerships will result in the development of tourism lodges on the land adjacent to Madikwe Game Reserve.

The Mkambati Nature Reserve Tourism partnership was concluded February 2013 between the Mkambati Land Trust, Mkambati Matters and the Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency to develop two tourism lodges within the Reserve.

Communal Property Institution Support Programme

The Communal Property Institution Support Programme is designed to support the development of well-governed Community Property Institutions.

This project resulted in a case study that provided an insight into the operation of the Moletele Communal Property Association and its management of the community’s assets.

The Barokologadi Communal Property Association was assisted over a 4-year period with a range of capacity building and institutional development support activities.

The Mkambati Land Trust was supported to develop basic policies, processes and procedures, to set up an office and to finalise the 2014 audit.

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